Our Story

Daniel Publications began with only one individual in 2006 : Mr Thomson Parackal.

After losing his job from a designer firm as an accountant, Mr Thomson Parackal decided to work as a literature evangelist. Thrilled after his conversion from a Roman Catholic background he desired to share the truth with his family, relatives and pagan friends. He had the burden to share the Advent message through literature with the people of India however, wondered where he could find books for distribution as very few Spirit of Prophecy books were in print (not knowing that God will one day use him for the publishing ministry).

He prayed to God to reveal the plan for his life and as he prayed, God answered. He received his first assignment to print “The Great Controversy” in Marathi. At this time he was not acquainted with any printer, nor did he have the knowledge to print or even have a computer for designing. Yet the work began with much prayer and faith in God whose “biddings are enablings” and is “able to do exceeding and abundantly above all we can ask or think”. After this successful venture, he resolved to make Christ as the “CEO” of the organization and work under His guidance and leading.

Just as sister White wrote “The publishing work has been founded in sacrifice; it has been maintained by the special providence of God”, this ministry has been functioning only by the special providences of God. “To all who are engaged in the missionary work I would say, Hide in Jesus. Let not self but Christ appear in all your labors. When the work goes hard, and you become discouraged and are tempted to abandon it, take your Bible, bow upon your knees before God, and say, `Here, Lord, Thy word is pledged.' Throw your weight upon His promises, and every one of them will be fulfilled." {PM 36.4}

The next book was The Great Controversy (1858 version) in English, Tamil and Punjabi. This book too was printed facing much opposition and difficulty.

In November 1848, God, in a vision gave a message to sister White that she shared with her husband James White. It was this- “You must begin to print a little paper and send it out to the people. Let it be small at first; but as the people read, they will send you means with which to print, and it will be a success from the first. From this small beginning it was shown to me to be like streams of light that went clear round the world." PM 16.1. She further writes, “With the beginning of this work of publishing, we did not cease our labors in preaching the truth, but traveled from place to place, proclaiming the doctrines which had brought so great light and joy to us, encouraging the believers, correcting errors, and setting things in order in the church.PM 17.4

The magazine “Last Day Watchmen” and the Red lettered Sabbath Calendars filled with the Advent messages were printed. These were spread out like “autumn leaves” in the Roman Catholic churches and the Sunday churches as a result of which Mr Thomson got the opportunity to study the truth with pastors and priests. He also got opportunities to preach in Sunday churches where the messages were loved and cherished by all. At one time he felt strongly impressed by God to share the books Steps to Christ and Christ Object Lessons with a Methodist Pastor visiting the church. The pastor a few months later approached Mr Thomson and not only thanked him but said the book Steps to Christ is going to be made an official study book in his church for a person who is interested in taking baptism.

More books and magazines were printed and sold and even distributed at the week of prayer meetings held by the Sunday churches. Stalls offering books for free were distributed on Friday evenings to honor the fourth commandment. All this was accomplished with the hand of God leading him through terrible financial crisis and opposition from within.

After a decade now, we at Daniel Publications, , are dedicated to print Spirit of prophecy books, health, religious literature , our aim is to share the gospel and provide the widest variety of Spirit of Prophecy books at the best quality and lowest cost to hasten Christ’s return. We desire to print health magazines and spiritual magazines for the saints of God with present truth, health brochures and pamphlets, books and tracts for children and youth that will teach truth that purifies, ennobles and elevates their character making them like Moses, Joseph and Daniel of old. Family religion and holiness is now to be honored as never before. If ever a people needed to walk before God as did Enoch, it is now. We aspire to print publications that will give readers help and light and strength and lift up Christ so the world can see and be drawn to Him.

“A far greater effort should be made to extend the circulation of our literature in all parts of the world. The warning must be given in all lands and to all peoples. Our books are to be translated and published in many different languages. We should multiply publications on our faith in” English, Hindi, Marathi, Punjabi, Urdu, Kanada, Telgu, Tamil, Malayalam, Assamee, Manipuri and many other tongues; and people of all nationalities should be enlightened and educated, that they, too, may join in the work. PM 38.1

Sister White writes, “I have been instructed to publish the early experiences of the cause of present truth, showing why we stand, as we do, a people separate and distinct from the world. . . . While Satan is stirring up many to depart from the faith, I am bidden to republish the experiences of the past and give the message of warning God sends, showing the dangers of the present time, and what will be in the future.--MS 13, 1908. PM 31.1”

“I have been instructed that we should make prominent the testimony of some of the old workers who are now dead. Let them continue to speak through their articles as found in the early numbers of our papers. These articles should now be reprinted, that there may be a living voice from the Lord's witnesses. The history of the early experiences in the message will be a power to withstand the masterly ingenuity of Satan's deceptions. PM 31.2”

“If we surrender our lives to His service, we can never be placed in a position for which God has not made provision.” COL 173.1. God has been faithful to us in a million ways and believe we serve an Omnipotent God for whom all things are possible. As we continue to serve, we pray that the Lord now provides us with our own printing press so we can print more and reach out to more people.

We covet earnest and fervent prayers. Please join with us with prayers in hastening and “finishing the work”.

A message from us: Let everyone professing the name of Christ act a part in sending forth the message, "The end of all things is at hand"; "prepare to meet thy God." Our publications should go everywhere. The circulation of our periodicals should be greatly increased. The third angel's message is to be given through gospel literature, and through the living teacher. You who believe the truth for this time, wake up. It is our duty now to employ every possible means to help in the proclamation of the truth. When you are riding on the cars, visiting, conversing with your neighbors wherever you are, let your light shine forth. Hand out the papers and tracts to those with whom you associate, and speak a word in season, praying that the Holy Ghost will make the seed productive in some hearts. This work will be blessed of God.

- Thomson Parackal